Victory Graphics

Victory Graphics are a company whom we previously helped to achieve ISO 9001 certification. As plans for future growth included a position as Quality Driver, incorporating a fully-functional QMS (Quality Management System) seemed a logical choice for the company moving forward.

Some time after Victory Graphics were initially awarded ISO 9001 certification, a surveillance audit was needed to ensure that the QMS was working effectively and that the procedures that we helped them to put in place were current and up to date. We are glad to report that, with our help, Victory Graphics passed the surveillance audit without a single non-conformance raised - a testament to the business's hard work and dedication to quality.

This is the latest success in our working relationship with Victory Graphics, hopefully with many more to come in the future!

If you require any assistance with a quality management system or with achieving ISO 9001 certification, please do not hesitate to contact NPT Management Systems today.

Back in 2016, we helped grit blasting and specialist coating company Southern Coating Contractors to implement a quality management system that met both ISO 9001 and National Highways Sector Scheme 19A requirements.

Since then, we have been assisting SCC with annual surveillance audits, and we are pleased to report that - after a site visit in Hatfield - the latest audit was completed without any non-conformances being raised.

NHSS19A Audit in Hatfield

Pictured: Neil Peattie, our Principal Consultant

What is NHSS19A?

NHSS stands for National Highways Sector Schemes, a type of management system that's specifically geared towards organisations who work on the British road network.

NHSS19A is a specific certification that covers the use of corrosion-resistant industrial coatings for ferrous metals. As mentioned above, NPT Management Systems previously helped Southern Coating Contractors to plan and implement a bespoke management system that complied with NHSS19A standards as well as meeting the requirements for ISO 9001.

Do you need a tailor-made quality management system for your business? Contact NPT Management Systems today to discuss your requirements.

We can help your organisation to meet the requirements of ISO 9001 and get certified!

In order to gain ISO 9001 certification, a company must first implement a QMS (quality management system) and ensure that it is implemented throughout the entire organisation. This can be a complex process, especially in larger companies with a lot of staff / departments to co-ordinate.

When tackling this process, it is often useful to bring in an experienced consultant to train up your staff and get everyone working to ensure the system's success.

That's where we at NPT Management Systems come in.

Pictured: Neil Peattie, our Principal Consultant

We can provide an ISO 9001 expert to visit your premises and help you through every stage of the ISO certification procedure. Not only will your consultant help you to tailor your QMS to the unique needs of your organisation, they will also deliver training sessions for your staff and make sure that they understand their roles and responsibilities within your management system.

Contact NPT Management Systems today to discuss your company's needs.

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Here at NPT Management Systems, we love to contribute to our community. Not only have we helped countless Hampshire-based businesses to achieve ISO 9001 certification, we're also enthusiastic supporters of many local charities and organisations.

For example, we recently had the privilege of attending a charity ball organised by Ben's Heroes Trust, a charity that helps young cancer patients to access new treatments and enjoy a better quality of life. We were thrilled to show our support and make a donation - the 'Captain's Table' event was a huge success and the money raised came to more than £6,500!

Image source: Ben's Heroes Trust (via Facebook)

We have also historically supported sporting events like the River Hamble Games, which will be taking place on the shore of the Hamble this weekend. We've previously sponsored the volleyball event, and we're immensely looking forward to hearing about this year's games - we're sure they'll be a smashing success once again.

NPT Management Systems are based in Netley Abbey, near Southampton. Click here to learn more about us and how we help local businesses to achieve ISO certification.

As of 15 September 2018, ISO 9001:2008 certificates will no longer be valid. That deadline is now just a few short months away, and many companies are therefore rushing to get certified under ISO 9001:2015, the latest version of the ISO 9001 standard for quality management systems.

One company that won't need to rush is Cobra Hydro UK, a British business specialising in odour control systems and sludge dosing applications.

Cobra Hydro UK

Image from

The Cobra Hydro team approached NPT Management Systems earlier this year and asked us to help them transition to ISO 9001:2015. We're pleased to announce that the transition was successful, and that Cobra Hydro are now completely up to date with their certification.

Here's what Cobra Hydro UK's Quality Manager Lisa Reeves had to say about the transition:

"We contacted NPT Management Systems due to their good reviews on Google and their location, which is close to our offices. We have held ISO certification since 2001, but we found transitioning to the new standard quite daunting.

"Neil was able to put a system in place that was user-friendly and suitable for the business. Neil has always made himself available on the phone, via email and in person.

"We have successfully been recommended for ISO 9001:2015, which - a few months ago - we weren't sure was possible. We will continue to work with NPT to establish our current system and work towards ISO 14001 and ISO 45001."

- Lisa Reeves, Quality Manager

In addition to helping Cobra Hydro UK with the ISO 9001:2015 transition process, we also helped the company to save money by identifying a more cost-effective choice of certification body and assisting them with the switch.

Contact NPT Management Systems today and ask us how we can help with your ISO certification needs.