What is ISO 18001?
ISO 18001 is the international standard for health and safety management systems. ISO 18001 status is awarded by UKAS-accredited bodies to organisations who successfully implement health and safety management systems that meet the requirements of the standard. ISO 18001 certification is a strong sign that a company provides a safe working environment for its staff, and this can inspire confidence in potential customers and potential employees alike.
Why do I need a health and safety management system?
As a business owner, you are legally obliged to provide a safe working environment for your employees. This means doing everything you can to ensure that you and your staff won’t get hurt or contract an illness due to something in the workplace.Implementing an ISO 18001-compliant health and safety management system is a great way to ensure that you are protecting your workers and meeting your legal obligations. A good health and safety management system covers all possibilities and constantly evolves to ensure that any new risks are accounted for as soon as they arise.
How can I achieve ISO 18001 certification?
If you would like to get ISO 18001 certified, you will first need to plan and implement a health and safety management system that meets all the requirements of this standard. Once the management system has been put into action, it will need to be evaluated by a UKAS-accredited body, who will then confirm that you have fulfilled the relevant criteria and achieved ISO 18001 status.To ensure that your health and safety management system meets your company’s specific needs and achieves ISO 18001 certification on the first attempt, it’s a good idea to seek the assistance of an experienced ISO 18001 consultant. We at NPT have the experience and the expertise necessary to help you plan and properly implement an ISO-compliant management system – we can even help you to get approved via a UKAS-registered body.
If you would like NPT Management Systems to help your business get ISO 18001 certified, please get in touch get in touch today.